Geopoetics News August 2017
Our recent Expressing the Earth Geopoetics Conference in Argyll was a huge success and exceeded all expectations. Over 70 positive, passionate people from Brazil, USA, Switzerland, Italy, England, Wales and Scotland who care about the planet and its creative expression took part, including speakers from Argyll College and SAMS (both UHI). As well as fascinating talks and excellent discussions there were interesting visits to Kilmartin Glen, Easdale and Luing, top quality locally sourced and prepared meals and two ceilidhs which local people attended as well.
The Conference aimed to encourage everyone to be creative in expressing the Earth in diverse ways and there were 7 workshops to choose from, such as Walking & Writing, the Sea as Time Machine, Writing Haiku, Visual Arts, Mindfulness and Creative Ethnology. Some of the creative work that emerges from these sessions will feature in the online journal Stravaig. We hope there will be enough work submitted for at least two issues (see below).
The keynote talks by Michael Russell and Norrie Bissell are available to read on our website
“Sweet the Cuckoo’s Sound” Argyll: Place, People and Neighbours
Expressing the Earth: Geopoetics and George Orwell
The feedback from those attending was that it was an inspiring and life-affirming event because of the wide-ranging inputs people made and the generosity of spirit shown by all. You can read more of the responses and contribute to them on our Facebook Page here.
O n l i n e J o u r n a l : S t r a v a i g
Stravaig is the online journal for the Scottish Centre for Geopoetics, published on our website. We invite you to submit essays, poems, artwork and images for the next issue on the theme of Expressing the Earth to Norrie by 15 January 2018. Email:
You can read the latest issue of Stravaig by clicking below:
Stravaig Issue 5
M e m b e r s h i p
Many of those who attended the conference have joined the Scottish Centre for Geopoetics and we hope you will do so too. We’re very grateful to those of you who’ve already done so. You can download the membership form below. Membership for the year is £10 waged / £5 unwaged. Thank you!
Read more about membership here
Download membership form here
N e w s & E v e n t s
Geopoetics Council
Our editorial group of Elizabeth Rimmer, David Francis, Norrie Bissell (SCG) and Mark Sheridan (UHI) has been joined by Rachel Clive, Mairi McFadyen and Ullrich Kockel whom we are delighted to welcome.
New Group in USA
Another important development from the Conference is that Laura Hope-Gill is setting up an American Geopoetics Centre based in Asheville, North Carolina and the theme of the WordFest event there in April 2018 will be geopoetics.
Upcoming Events: AGM
Our AGM will take place at Heriot Watt University on Saturday 18 or 25 November 2017 and will be preceded by a walk along the Union Canal to Ratho and followed by a talk by an invited speaker. Full details to follow in September.
New Book: Kenneth White
A new book from Kenneth White is now available from Aberdeen University Press. Collected Works, Volume 1: Underground to Otherground contains 3 early books, Incandescent Limbo, Letters from Gourgounel and Travels in the Drifting Dawn. Read more.
There are also some of his essays available in English here. An appreciation of his work and a retracing of his Blue Road journey to Labrador can be read here. More information can be found on his personal website here.
New Book: Mohammed Hashas
Intercultural Geopoetics in Kenneth White’s Open World by Mohammed Hashas introduces geopoetics as a radical, postmodern interdisciplinary and intercultural project.
Read more
Land Alliance Northeast (USA) Call for Submissions
Land Alliance Northeast is a partially crowdfunded project based in USA dedicated to protecting forests, wildlife, farmland, and green spaces. They are looking for submissions on the themes of science, arts and environment.
Read more
Please send information about geopoetics related publications, news and events for future newsletters to Norrie.
Please feel free to circulate this newsletter to friends who may be interested. Thank you.
With all best wishes,
Norman Bissell
Director, Scottish Centre for Geopoetics
Mo Dhachaidh, 51 Cullipool
Isle of Luing, Argyll
PA34 4UB
tel. 01852 314322
twitter @nbissell