Geopoetics News July 2015
Geopoetics News July 2015
Stravaig Issue 4: Intellectual Nomads
Issue 4 of our online journal Stravaig is now live and contains essays on intellectual nomadism by Kenneth White, Martina Kolb, Bill Stephens and Norman Bissell, and on Rimbaud by Karen Strang and Mike Roman. It also has new poems and images by Gordon Meade, Doug Robertson, Morelle Smith, Alyson Hallett, Andrew McCallum and many more. Many thanks to Nancy Campbell for all her great work editing it and to Steve Pardue for creating it online. Sorry that issue 4 and this Newsletter are late due to illness, but they are well worth reading.
Stravaig Issue 3 is still available at It has 8 essays and 14 poems on the theme Geopoetics in Practice ranging from Aberlady Bay to Saudi Arabia, from Illinois to Iona.
Upcoming Events
Our SCFG AGM will take place on Saturday 8 August at 12 noon at the Dalriada, 77 the Promenade, Portobello. We would like to see more people taking an active part in the SCfG and will be discussing how best to take it forward e.g. what should we be offering members? Would crowdfunding enable us to pay someone to carry out admin, develop our website, plan and lead activities etc? Contact me if you would like to attend and you will receive an agenda etc.
Living Well on Luing Events at the Atlantic Islands Centre
Thursday 23 July: Seafood cookery & Words and Music night
Friday 24 July Geology Talk and Walk
Saturday 25 July Botany and Poetry Walks
Full details at or . To book, contact Laura: 01852 314096
Thursday 16 July The Oxford launch of The Interpreter’s House No.59 by Nancy Campbell at The Albion Beatnik at 7.30 pm. There’ll be kayak poems and more.
Scottish Geodiversity Forum
A world-class visitor attraction – Scotland’s Landscape, fashioned by geology: Wednesday 25 November 2015 at Battleby near Perth. This Sharing Good Practice event, organised by the Forum and Scottish Natural Heritage, will explore what’s currently on offer, and how the sector might develop and expand.
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