Kenneth White at the Ullapool Book Festival 10-11 May 2007

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The name of Kenneth White is now generally associated with the opening up of a new field in Scottish thought. In this lecture he provided a re-reading of certain Scottish writers, while touching on themes such as localism and globalism, poetics and philosophy, identity and creativity. Chaired by Donny O’Rourke.

On Friday 11 May at 3 pm in Ullapool Village Hall Kenneth White, who has been described as “Scotland’s most original and challenging writer, academic and poet”, gave a poetry reading. Chaired by Kevin MacNeil.

Tickets were £5 for each event and were available from Avril Moyes at the Ceilidh Place Bookshop, Ullapool tel. 01854 612245 or online at Full details of the Festival’s attractive programme can be found at

The text of Kenneth White’s stimulating lecture at the 2006 Edinburgh International Book Festival “Along the High Lines- Figuring out the way towards a world culture’ can be viewed on the Hi-Arts Website.

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